What We Believe About Giving

At Discover Community Church, we believe that giving to the church is Biblical, and is one of the core disciplines a Christian should practice. Scripture also tells us that giving should be done cheerfully, and without feeling pressure. For that reason, at DCC you will never see an offering plate or bucket passed around. What you give is between you and the Lord! If you have never considered giving to the church, we invite you to do so now. Not only does God ask for, and reward our generosity, but He actually asks us to test Him (Malachi 3:9-12), and promises that our reward will cause our blessings to overflow! Ultimately, we believe that when we give, it acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have, reflects our trust that He will continue to provide for us, and allows us to be a part of His work here on earth.

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• Enter 84321 in the "To" field
• Enter the dollar amount in the field wher the message would go
• Hit "Send" - You will immediately receive a text reply with a link to setup your bank info. (This is a one-time setup)
• Fill out the information, and hit "Send"
• Next time you want to give, just enter the amount and hit "Send"

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For designated giving to specific ministries you must to use this option.

Click here to donate now through Church Center.

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You can place your gift in the offering box in the church sanctuary.

Checks should be made out to "Discover Community Church".

Discover Community Church is a place where the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27) will be encouraged* and equipped to use our spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12:7) in order to actively care for our neighboring community, and to be doers of the word, and not merely hearers. (James 1:22) * Encouraged by witnessing the fruit of local outreach first-hand. Equipped by the ongoing study of the Word to hear His direction.